Ok, I'm a little late on this tip, but if you don't have it go get the Sleigh Bells album, Treats. It is fantastic. It is the best birthday present I have ever given myself.
And this is why you go to the record store. I went in to buy something. Probably the Darkness on the Edge of Town outtakes, maybe something else. I had nothing better to do, so I shopped. Then all of the sudden I hear the opening of "Crown of the Ground" and my life changed. What the hell is this? It's loud. It's got a good beat. I love it. It's my new favorite thing in the world. What is it?
I'm sure we've all had experiences like this. I still remember the first time I heard Glossary. I heard the last half of "City Lights Shine" when they were opening up for Lucero at the Deli. That's all I heard. It was the end of their set. I asked my buddy Clay, "Who the hell is this? They're awesome!" I proceeded to buy everything I could by them. This feels like that. I love it.
Well, I set out finding what it was and heard and bought it. Go get it. Put it on. Turn it up loud. Thank me later.
Oh, and I may be the only person who has bought the Darkness outtakes and Sleigh Bells, what of it?
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, October 26, 2009
On Diane Court. (Or, things Cameron Crowe taught me about women.)
Ok, we've all seen Say Anything, right? Who hasn't? It's a great film. We get to see one Lloyd Dobler pursue the love of the beautiful and unobtainable Diane Court. We get to see Diane Court break poor Lloyd's heart. We get to see Lloyd hold a boombox over his head playing Peter Gabriel. We see her come back to him. We see them fly off into the sunset. Ah, love.
Here's the thing that has been getting to me about Say Anything lately. I used to see Diane Court as some sort of angel. She wears the white dress to the party. She's the smartest girl in school. She's sweet. She's cute. What's not to love about this Diane Court girl? She's the best. Well, I'll tell you something, folks. I'm just not buying it anymore. I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this Diane Court character is a whore. I never noticed earlier in life, but it's clear as day if you just know what to look for. She shows her whorish ways throughout the film. Cameron Crowe drops hints left and right, but I guess I just didn't catch them because she and Lloyd are just so darn cute. Well, I now believe Diane Court is no less of a slut than a character from one of Crowe's later works, Almost Famous. That's right, I am saying Diane was putting it out there just as much as the notorious "Band aid", Penny Lane.
What's worse, Penny never tried to act like she was anything else. Diane Court is lying to us. She acts all innocent. She's even worried about being perceived as a "priss". In fact, she's far worse than Penny, and I aim to prove it. That's the goal here. To point out all the little hints that Crowe gives us about Diane Court's past. And to scream at Lloyd to wear a condom. The only way I know to do this is to watch the only evidence we have of said relationship. So here goes nothing, an in depth look at Say Anything and the whoring ways of Diane Court.
(Note: I would like to apologize in advance to James Court and Lloyd Dobler. Jim, I'm not attacking the way you raised your daughter. It's tough being a single dad. You did everything you could to give Diane every advantage in life. You were so busy stealing money from old ladies and hiding it from the IRS, how were you to know your daughter was out blowing college sophomores on dollar beer night? On top of that, your ex wife is clearly a cougar and I can't help but think part of that rubbed off on your daughter no matter how you hard you worked to lessen her influence on Diane. Jim, please don't shank me. Lloyd,you and Diane, if you're still together, have been together for twenty years now, so I'm sure you know all of this. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your ability to turn a ho into a housewife. You're a great guy and deserve everything you want. I just have a feeling that you're not with Diane anymore. She probably slept with her professors in England. Then she left you for some dude that actually made money instead of following his dreams as a kickboxer. Seriously, Lloyd? Kickboxing? Sport of the future? Anyway... Sorry.)
Alright, I got my beverage handy and the dvr is ready to play. Let's do this...
As anyone who's seen this movie before it starts with Lloyd discussing his plans to go out with Diane Court again. His friends, Corey and DC, tell him this is a bad idea. Diane Court is out of his league. He's only going to get hurt. Lloyd then proclaims, "I wanna get hurt!" Well, strap in Lloyd, cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Next we're introduced to Diane and James Court. They are on the way to graduation and Diane is running through her speech. It's at this point that we find out two very important things about the young Ms. Court. We find out she has a very, shall we say, "interesting" relationship with her father. I'm just saying, that's a little weird. Second, we learn that Diane was "taking a few courses at the university this year." Oh, really? I find that interesting. A 18 year old high school senior was taking classes at the university? I wonder what was going on with all that? More on that later.
"We're going to remember this student who said, 'Hey, world, check me out." Not really important. Speech bombs. Let's move forward.
The next interesting little tidbit we pick up is when Lloyd calls Diane the first time. Jim answers the phone and asks Lloyd if he's "the guy with the Mustang... the guy with the Datsun... um, the truck?" Jesus, how many dudes is this chick running through? It sounds like he's running a damn used car lot over there. Then he says, "Why I just get a phone number from you, that's usually how it works?" "Usually how it works." What the hell does that mean, Jim? What kind of numbers are we talking about here? Is it in the hundreds? I'm just saying. You should have known right then and there, Lloyd. Run!!!
I would make some crack about how she got that fellowship, but I'll leave it alone. I mean, I just heard her speech. She's not the best in the country. I'm just saying. I'm not going to judge her though. You gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, that's not covered in the movie, so I'll let it go.
I'll give her credit. She calls back. That's very sweet. I'll also say that Lloyd can be quite a charmer. It's interesting to note she doesn't even remember eating with him. Lloyd fights through her initial jitters and gets her to commit to going out with a guy who just graduated from high school. Way to go, Lloyd. A+ work, my man.
So, Lloyd picks her up. We see the infamous white dress. Whoa, indeed Lloyd. It appears as though you may have bitten off a little more than you can chew to me. Jim Court is shocked by Lloyd's appearance. Lloyd is not the normal frat guy she goes out with and blows on the way home. Lloyd is actually a good guy. A good guy with no future, but a good guy none the less.
Nothing really telling happens at the party. Mike Cameron is one of the greatest characters ever in cinema. Joe is a jerk. Jeremy Piven shows the promise that will lead him to greatness later in life. Lloyd is a super nice guy. Which only makes it worse when Diane inevitably breaks his heart. Whore!!!!
"I've never really gone out with basic as you." That's what she says to Lloyd at the end of the date. Really? That's the best you could come up with? Go back to blowing college sophomores on Saturday night after the game. Keep your filthy hands of Lloyd!!!!
Apparently, Diane is a screamer...
Next we meet Diane's mother. She wants to talk about boys. That's all she wants. Granted, Diane tries to change the subject. That being said, Diane shares half this cougar's DNA. Keep that in mind.
Scenes of them hanging out... yada. yada. yada.
And here it comes... Back seat of Lloyd's car. It's happening. Give it to her, Lloyd!!! You can do it!!!!At this point you notice a couple things. Lloyd asks, "Are you comfortable?" Diane says, "Yes." Of course she is. She's been in a lot of backseats. She tries to calm him down. She's been through the drill. "Listen to this song. It's a really good song." She knows how to get what she wants. I am on to you, Diane Court. Where did you learn that move? The fraternity formal last Christmas? She bags Lloyd.
So, then Diane comes home. This time she tries to sneak in, and Jim is pissed. So, she tells him where she was. She slept with him. Now, it's important to notice the look on his face. He even ask, "Lloyd?" As though maybe it could have been someone else. Could there have been? Were there other dudes lurking around the house with boomboxes? Was it the guy with the Mustang? The Datsun? We don't know, but this is not the reaction of a man who's daughter is going through her first rodeo. This is the reaction of a man who's seen some shit. This is the reaction of a man who has maybe had to pay for an abortion or two. I'm just saying. The guy is not shocked. He's more pissed at who and not what. It's as though if she would say, "You know, Jack? The one with the truck? Well, I ran into him last night and we hooked up..." then everything would have been ok. She adds that she thought about not sleeping with him and then she "attacked him anyway." These are not the words of a woman who doesn't know what she's doing. She basically goes through the birds and the bees with her dad as though he doesn't know, cause she knows them very well. She knows them very well.
Lloyd has that I just got laid talk with the ladies. Enjoy it Lloyd. It's all down here from here. You're toast. It's over.
So, here it comes. Jim does not think Lloyd is good enough for her. He isn't like the frat guys she hates, but he has no future and she'll be working at an "international think tank".(Side note: Do people wish for this for their kids? He doesn't say she's going to be a doctor or a lawyer or a Senator. Working an international thing tank? Really, Jim.) He says to break up with him. Give him a pen. She says she'd never do that. We'll see.
They're driving around. Talking and more talking. Lloyd says he loves her. She says she doesn't want to go to this level. What the hell? (BTW, Lloyd keep your eyes on the road.) She's trying to break up with him. He hasn't realized... and...then... boom... he figures it out. She just broke up with him. She says, "We shared the most intimate thing two people can share." My only question is, how many times have you used that line? She tells him "I love you." I put quotes around it because she does air quotes when she says it. She gives him the pen... she gives him the pen.
She gave him the pen!!!!
Now, I ask you, what kind of person does something like this? Lloyd gave her his heart, she gave him a pen. What the hell is wrong with this person? What kind of demented things go on in their mind? What else do you want someone to do, Diane? Oh, they show her crying. Great. Like I care if she's crying. She just broke Lloyd's heart. She's dead to me.
Lloyd drives around the city remembering the places they did things. Anyone who has ever loved anyone knows this feeling. What is Diane doing? We don't know. Probably out at some frat party with some new dude. I'm just guessing. She's out with some dude with a fake tan and a popped collar. You know the type. She'll hook up with him and say it was a "mistake". That's what they do. Meanwhile, Lloyd is hanging out with Joe and gang at the Gas and Sip. "Bitches, man!!" says some kid that's there. Agreed. "Bitches, man."
"I draw the line at seven unreturned phone calls." he says. That seems reasonable. I mean here he is dying. The phone works both ways. His friends convince him to call her again. So, he calls again and leaves a very long and desperate sounding message. Pick up the damn phone, woman!!! She is made of stone. Lloyd is dying and she cannot answer the phone. Whore!!!!
This guy doesn't quit!!! I gotta give it to him. I mean on the scale of crazy crap to do to win back a woman, playing Peter Gabriel on a ghetto blaster outside her house at dawn has gotta be one of the nuttier things I've ever heard of. It's just this side of breaking and entering. People call the cops for less, but Lloyd just stands there and does it. What no one seems to talk about is, what you never hear about when people talk about that scene is she doesn't even acknowledge him. She doesn't even come to the window, much less go outside an talk to the poor guy. In the next scene she ask for the IRS guy to be decent and talk to her about her dad. Oh, that's rich coming from you. You got a guy who may very well kill himself at any moment and you can't even answer a damn phone or come to a window. Be a little decent, Diane.
And here she comes!!! She finds out her dad is a cheat and a liar and she comes crawling back. Don't take her back, Lloyd. You'll only encourage this type of behavior in the future. At least make her sweat it out a little. I know, it's easier said than done, but come on man. Don't just let her walk right back in. Ahh, it hopeless.
And that's it. He let's her back in. They go visit her dad in prison and they fly to England together. It works out. Or so they say. I used to believe that... when I was 17. Maybe, I should still believe that, but I don't. Women who do those types of things will do them again. She'll continue to walk all over Lloyd for the rest of their relationship. She'll never respect him. She may love him, but she'll never respect him. Good luck with that, Lloyd. Just don't say I, and the kid from the gas and sip, didn't warn you...
"Bitches, man."
Here's the thing that has been getting to me about Say Anything lately. I used to see Diane Court as some sort of angel. She wears the white dress to the party. She's the smartest girl in school. She's sweet. She's cute. What's not to love about this Diane Court girl? She's the best. Well, I'll tell you something, folks. I'm just not buying it anymore. I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this Diane Court character is a whore. I never noticed earlier in life, but it's clear as day if you just know what to look for. She shows her whorish ways throughout the film. Cameron Crowe drops hints left and right, but I guess I just didn't catch them because she and Lloyd are just so darn cute. Well, I now believe Diane Court is no less of a slut than a character from one of Crowe's later works, Almost Famous. That's right, I am saying Diane was putting it out there just as much as the notorious "Band aid", Penny Lane.
What's worse, Penny never tried to act like she was anything else. Diane Court is lying to us. She acts all innocent. She's even worried about being perceived as a "priss". In fact, she's far worse than Penny, and I aim to prove it. That's the goal here. To point out all the little hints that Crowe gives us about Diane Court's past. And to scream at Lloyd to wear a condom. The only way I know to do this is to watch the only evidence we have of said relationship. So here goes nothing, an in depth look at Say Anything and the whoring ways of Diane Court.
(Note: I would like to apologize in advance to James Court and Lloyd Dobler. Jim, I'm not attacking the way you raised your daughter. It's tough being a single dad. You did everything you could to give Diane every advantage in life. You were so busy stealing money from old ladies and hiding it from the IRS, how were you to know your daughter was out blowing college sophomores on dollar beer night? On top of that, your ex wife is clearly a cougar and I can't help but think part of that rubbed off on your daughter no matter how you hard you worked to lessen her influence on Diane. Jim, please don't shank me. Lloyd,you and Diane, if you're still together, have been together for twenty years now, so I'm sure you know all of this. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your ability to turn a ho into a housewife. You're a great guy and deserve everything you want. I just have a feeling that you're not with Diane anymore. She probably slept with her professors in England. Then she left you for some dude that actually made money instead of following his dreams as a kickboxer. Seriously, Lloyd? Kickboxing? Sport of the future? Anyway... Sorry.)
Alright, I got my beverage handy and the dvr is ready to play. Let's do this...
As anyone who's seen this movie before it starts with Lloyd discussing his plans to go out with Diane Court again. His friends, Corey and DC, tell him this is a bad idea. Diane Court is out of his league. He's only going to get hurt. Lloyd then proclaims, "I wanna get hurt!" Well, strap in Lloyd, cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Next we're introduced to Diane and James Court. They are on the way to graduation and Diane is running through her speech. It's at this point that we find out two very important things about the young Ms. Court. We find out she has a very, shall we say, "interesting" relationship with her father. I'm just saying, that's a little weird. Second, we learn that Diane was "taking a few courses at the university this year." Oh, really? I find that interesting. A 18 year old high school senior was taking classes at the university? I wonder what was going on with all that? More on that later.
"We're going to remember this student who said, 'Hey, world, check me out." Not really important. Speech bombs. Let's move forward.
The next interesting little tidbit we pick up is when Lloyd calls Diane the first time. Jim answers the phone and asks Lloyd if he's "the guy with the Mustang... the guy with the Datsun... um, the truck?" Jesus, how many dudes is this chick running through? It sounds like he's running a damn used car lot over there. Then he says, "Why I just get a phone number from you, that's usually how it works?" "Usually how it works." What the hell does that mean, Jim? What kind of numbers are we talking about here? Is it in the hundreds? I'm just saying. You should have known right then and there, Lloyd. Run!!!
I would make some crack about how she got that fellowship, but I'll leave it alone. I mean, I just heard her speech. She's not the best in the country. I'm just saying. I'm not going to judge her though. You gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, that's not covered in the movie, so I'll let it go.
I'll give her credit. She calls back. That's very sweet. I'll also say that Lloyd can be quite a charmer. It's interesting to note she doesn't even remember eating with him. Lloyd fights through her initial jitters and gets her to commit to going out with a guy who just graduated from high school. Way to go, Lloyd. A+ work, my man.
So, Lloyd picks her up. We see the infamous white dress. Whoa, indeed Lloyd. It appears as though you may have bitten off a little more than you can chew to me. Jim Court is shocked by Lloyd's appearance. Lloyd is not the normal frat guy she goes out with and blows on the way home. Lloyd is actually a good guy. A good guy with no future, but a good guy none the less.
Nothing really telling happens at the party. Mike Cameron is one of the greatest characters ever in cinema. Joe is a jerk. Jeremy Piven shows the promise that will lead him to greatness later in life. Lloyd is a super nice guy. Which only makes it worse when Diane inevitably breaks his heart. Whore!!!!
"I've never really gone out with basic as you." That's what she says to Lloyd at the end of the date. Really? That's the best you could come up with? Go back to blowing college sophomores on Saturday night after the game. Keep your filthy hands of Lloyd!!!!
Apparently, Diane is a screamer...
Next we meet Diane's mother. She wants to talk about boys. That's all she wants. Granted, Diane tries to change the subject. That being said, Diane shares half this cougar's DNA. Keep that in mind.
Scenes of them hanging out... yada. yada. yada.
And here it comes... Back seat of Lloyd's car. It's happening. Give it to her, Lloyd!!! You can do it!!!!At this point you notice a couple things. Lloyd asks, "Are you comfortable?" Diane says, "Yes." Of course she is. She's been in a lot of backseats. She tries to calm him down. She's been through the drill. "Listen to this song. It's a really good song." She knows how to get what she wants. I am on to you, Diane Court. Where did you learn that move? The fraternity formal last Christmas? She bags Lloyd.
So, then Diane comes home. This time she tries to sneak in, and Jim is pissed. So, she tells him where she was. She slept with him. Now, it's important to notice the look on his face. He even ask, "Lloyd?" As though maybe it could have been someone else. Could there have been? Were there other dudes lurking around the house with boomboxes? Was it the guy with the Mustang? The Datsun? We don't know, but this is not the reaction of a man who's daughter is going through her first rodeo. This is the reaction of a man who's seen some shit. This is the reaction of a man who has maybe had to pay for an abortion or two. I'm just saying. The guy is not shocked. He's more pissed at who and not what. It's as though if she would say, "You know, Jack? The one with the truck? Well, I ran into him last night and we hooked up..." then everything would have been ok. She adds that she thought about not sleeping with him and then she "attacked him anyway." These are not the words of a woman who doesn't know what she's doing. She basically goes through the birds and the bees with her dad as though he doesn't know, cause she knows them very well. She knows them very well.
Lloyd has that I just got laid talk with the ladies. Enjoy it Lloyd. It's all down here from here. You're toast. It's over.
So, here it comes. Jim does not think Lloyd is good enough for her. He isn't like the frat guys she hates, but he has no future and she'll be working at an "international think tank".(Side note: Do people wish for this for their kids? He doesn't say she's going to be a doctor or a lawyer or a Senator. Working an international thing tank? Really, Jim.) He says to break up with him. Give him a pen. She says she'd never do that. We'll see.
They're driving around. Talking and more talking. Lloyd says he loves her. She says she doesn't want to go to this level. What the hell? (BTW, Lloyd keep your eyes on the road.) She's trying to break up with him. He hasn't realized... and...then... boom... he figures it out. She just broke up with him. She says, "We shared the most intimate thing two people can share." My only question is, how many times have you used that line? She tells him "I love you." I put quotes around it because she does air quotes when she says it. She gives him the pen... she gives him the pen.
She gave him the pen!!!!
Now, I ask you, what kind of person does something like this? Lloyd gave her his heart, she gave him a pen. What the hell is wrong with this person? What kind of demented things go on in their mind? What else do you want someone to do, Diane? Oh, they show her crying. Great. Like I care if she's crying. She just broke Lloyd's heart. She's dead to me.
Lloyd drives around the city remembering the places they did things. Anyone who has ever loved anyone knows this feeling. What is Diane doing? We don't know. Probably out at some frat party with some new dude. I'm just guessing. She's out with some dude with a fake tan and a popped collar. You know the type. She'll hook up with him and say it was a "mistake". That's what they do. Meanwhile, Lloyd is hanging out with Joe and gang at the Gas and Sip. "Bitches, man!!" says some kid that's there. Agreed. "Bitches, man."
"I draw the line at seven unreturned phone calls." he says. That seems reasonable. I mean here he is dying. The phone works both ways. His friends convince him to call her again. So, he calls again and leaves a very long and desperate sounding message. Pick up the damn phone, woman!!! She is made of stone. Lloyd is dying and she cannot answer the phone. Whore!!!!
This guy doesn't quit!!! I gotta give it to him. I mean on the scale of crazy crap to do to win back a woman, playing Peter Gabriel on a ghetto blaster outside her house at dawn has gotta be one of the nuttier things I've ever heard of. It's just this side of breaking and entering. People call the cops for less, but Lloyd just stands there and does it. What no one seems to talk about is, what you never hear about when people talk about that scene is she doesn't even acknowledge him. She doesn't even come to the window, much less go outside an talk to the poor guy. In the next scene she ask for the IRS guy to be decent and talk to her about her dad. Oh, that's rich coming from you. You got a guy who may very well kill himself at any moment and you can't even answer a damn phone or come to a window. Be a little decent, Diane.
And here she comes!!! She finds out her dad is a cheat and a liar and she comes crawling back. Don't take her back, Lloyd. You'll only encourage this type of behavior in the future. At least make her sweat it out a little. I know, it's easier said than done, but come on man. Don't just let her walk right back in. Ahh, it hopeless.
And that's it. He let's her back in. They go visit her dad in prison and they fly to England together. It works out. Or so they say. I used to believe that... when I was 17. Maybe, I should still believe that, but I don't. Women who do those types of things will do them again. She'll continue to walk all over Lloyd for the rest of their relationship. She'll never respect him. She may love him, but she'll never respect him. Good luck with that, Lloyd. Just don't say I, and the kid from the gas and sip, didn't warn you...
"Bitches, man."
Friday, November 21, 2008
Some things would be better, if we'd all just let them be.
This coming Sunday the world will change. This coming Sunday the world will rock. This coming Sunday the fifteen year wait will be over. Chinese Democracy will be released.
This is not a review of Chinese Democracy. I have not heard it. I am actually listening to it via myspace as I write this. I'm sure you can find reviews everywhere done by folks that are better at such things than myself. My reviews, generally, are limited to buy it or don't buy it. I won't go that far on this one.
You see, Chinese Democracy is bigger than that. For folks of a certain age, Guns n' Roses is the biggest rock band we've ever really known. I mean that. When I was in eighth grade, you weren't getting any bigger than that. Sure Nirvana came along and changed all that, but that's the point.
Nirvana killed the big rock band. Nirvana was against big rock bands. Hell, Kurt Cobain killed himself because he couldn't take it. Axl Rose not only could take it. He wanted it more than anything in the world. That's the kind of shit rock stars do. They are larger than life. Kurt Cobain wasn't larger than life. Kurt Cobain was real life. Robert Plant and Jimmy Page are larger than life. Mick and Keith are larger than life. Axl Rose, for a few years, was larger than life.
Granted, in the years between Axl has become all too human. More importantly, Guns n' Roses became a crappy band. I would contend they became a crappy band the day Izzy Stradlin left the band, but that is a fight we can have at a later date. The fact is they were the last of a type of band that was once at the core of rock n' roll. They were the last biggest band in the world.
Think about that. Who is the biggest band in the world right now? I have no idea. Maybe Coldplay? Coldplay? Really? Whoever you name doesn't hold a candle to how big Guns n' Roses was. It's not even close. The world has truly changed.
The world has changed so much that I am currently listening to the new Guns n' Roses album on MySpace. That didn't even exist the last time there was a Guns n' Roses album. It's changed so much that the album is being released exclusively through Best Buy. Would anyone have done that in 1993? In 1993 there were still record stores in malls where you went and bought your tapes or cds. That's right, kids, you went to the store and bought music. The cds came in these really long cases for some reason. Bill Clinton had just become President. It was a wild time, and on days like this I miss it a little.
This is not a review of Chinese Democracy. I have not heard it. I am actually listening to it via myspace as I write this. I'm sure you can find reviews everywhere done by folks that are better at such things than myself. My reviews, generally, are limited to buy it or don't buy it. I won't go that far on this one.
You see, Chinese Democracy is bigger than that. For folks of a certain age, Guns n' Roses is the biggest rock band we've ever really known. I mean that. When I was in eighth grade, you weren't getting any bigger than that. Sure Nirvana came along and changed all that, but that's the point.
Nirvana killed the big rock band. Nirvana was against big rock bands. Hell, Kurt Cobain killed himself because he couldn't take it. Axl Rose not only could take it. He wanted it more than anything in the world. That's the kind of shit rock stars do. They are larger than life. Kurt Cobain wasn't larger than life. Kurt Cobain was real life. Robert Plant and Jimmy Page are larger than life. Mick and Keith are larger than life. Axl Rose, for a few years, was larger than life.
Granted, in the years between Axl has become all too human. More importantly, Guns n' Roses became a crappy band. I would contend they became a crappy band the day Izzy Stradlin left the band, but that is a fight we can have at a later date. The fact is they were the last of a type of band that was once at the core of rock n' roll. They were the last biggest band in the world.
Think about that. Who is the biggest band in the world right now? I have no idea. Maybe Coldplay? Coldplay? Really? Whoever you name doesn't hold a candle to how big Guns n' Roses was. It's not even close. The world has truly changed.
The world has changed so much that I am currently listening to the new Guns n' Roses album on MySpace. That didn't even exist the last time there was a Guns n' Roses album. It's changed so much that the album is being released exclusively through Best Buy. Would anyone have done that in 1993? In 1993 there were still record stores in malls where you went and bought your tapes or cds. That's right, kids, you went to the store and bought music. The cds came in these really long cases for some reason. Bill Clinton had just become President. It was a wild time, and on days like this I miss it a little.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So I started this damn country band.

One of the great things about the new and improved What the Hell Happened to Aerosmith blog is that I get to write whatever the hell I want as opposed to just working on the book. As part of that I'm going to write about albums that changed my life. The first in this series is the best album Ryan Adams ever did, it also happens to be his first, Faithless Street.
For those of you who don't know, Faithless Street is the first album by Mr. Adams' old band Whiskeytown. It was originally released in 1995, but the version you can get these days is the reissued version which came out in 1998. The reissue features all the tracks of the original, less "Oklahoma", and adds nine new tunes to the mix. Since it's the only one I've ever owned, this is about how the Faithless Street reissue changed the way I look at music.
The album opens open with "Midway Park". Such a classic tune. Starts out with out with a simple guitar riff and subtle drums. Then a, wait is that, yes it is, it's a mandolin. Then the sound of Ryan's sweet sweet voice. You can say whatever you want about Ryan Adams (and trust me I say a lot), but what you can't say is the guy doesn't have a perfect voice for that combo of country and rock that early Whiskeytown pulled off like no one else really ever has. (Yes, I've heard of Uncle Tupelo. That's how good this album is!!) Anyway, the song starts off with some nice and slow. The guitar sounds just the right amount of rough and Ryan is whining. It's beautiful and then... boom... the chorus. They hit you with the rock and they don't let go.
That's something that this album has that none of the other Whiskeytown albums have. That break into the rock that grabs you as you listen to it. The dirty guitars just being banged on as though the bands livelihood depended on it. At the time, it probably did.
The next song is an all time classic in my book. It never gets old. "Drank Like a River" is the prototypical Whiskeytown song. The lyrics were probably written on a pizza box while Ryan was being a drunk asshole to the rest of the band. It's short. It's simple. The chorus:
So he drank like a river as the wedding bells rang.
Watched from the steeple as the choir girls sang.
Died in a gutter on his feet and his hands.
The same hands that once touched her face.
is about as sad and powerful as you can get. And do you know why? Because it's three chords and the truth cranked out about as loud as the bands amps could crank it out. You get the feeling that we've all had when someone moves on and all you can do is suck it up and get another drink. Hell, I feel drunk just writing about it. That's a good song.
"Too Drunk to Dream" comes up next. It's a mediocre song that sounds even worse in comparison to what surrounds it. It's got a nice country chorus and all, but compared most of this album it does not stand the test of time. That being said, it does kind of express what this album is about. Losing your girl and drinking. Isn't that what all country music is about?
Ryan recovers nicely on "Tennessee Square". It's pretty much just him and an acoustic guitar whining about being to go out because he's broke. We've all been there, but none of us have made it sound that good.
I will refuse to talk about "What May Seem Like Love" because it is written by Phil Wandscher other than to say that I've read somewhere where Ryan didn't want to be the only songwriter in Whiskeytown. He actually envisioned it being like the (a little vomit coming up right now) Eagles, in that every band member would write songs. This is funny on many levels. First, if you listen to this song, it sounds like the Eagles could have done it. Second, Ryan writes a new song every hour on the hour. There is no way he wasn't going to be the songwriter. They would have had to put out an album every week if they had someone else in the band half as prolific as him.
"Faithless Street" gets us back in the groove. A sweet little country song that follows the simple formula of second verse, same as the first. It will always be remembered for the lyric "So, I started this damn country band, because punk rock is too hard to sing" as far as I'm concerned. It's all about Ryan forming Whiskeytown after leaving his former punk band The Patty Duke Syndrome and it's a preview of what's to come.
The country tunes keep on rolling with "Mining Town". It's all about a guy coming to take his lady away from the problems of the little town she lives in. It's got some great lap steel and, of course, great harmonies by Caitlin Cary.
The rock returns with "If He Can't Have You". I kind of see this, and "Midway Park" for that matter, as a country rock version of a Pixies song in that it does that quiet loud thing that the Pixies did so well. Another song about losing a girl and seeing her with someone else. Are there ever enough of those?
"Black Arrow, Bleeding Heart" is about as sad as it gets.
Then another highlight comes in. Caitlin takes the mic to do one of her numbers. There's something about girls singing country songs and this one is better than most. "Matrimony" is about something I guess all girls go through if they reach a certain age and aren't married. There are so many great lyrics in this song that I can't help but give you a couple. First, the chorus:
I don't believe I care to marry.
Though I cannot explain exactly why.
Somehow seems to me. Matrimony is misery.
Simply a faster way to die.
God bless you, woman. Another great line comes in the last verse:
I'm saving my best thing for my wedding day.
'Cause my poppa wouldn't have it any other way.
Says if I lose it early, I'll have thrown my life away.
But I swear I'll use my cherry my own way.
I love you.
Now comes what I feel is the best country song on an album of great country songs. "Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart Tonight" says it all right there in the title. I, personally, like this version a lot more than the one on Stranger's Almanac for the same reason I like this album more. It's just dirtier. They recorded this album in a barn. They didn't record it is some fancy studio in Nashville. You can hear the difference and that difference makes all the difference in the world to me.
"Desperate Ain't Lonely" is yet another acoustic country whiner from Ryan. It's pretty damn beautiful. Great harmonies. Great lyrics. Great song.
I'll go ahead and lump "Hard Luck Story" and "Top Dollar" together. They both suck, but with 21 songs on an album, I think they can get away with a couple stinkers.
Ryan returns to the idea of wanting to play country in "Lo fi Tennessee Mountain Angel". He recounts meeting this girl in a bar who ask, "You say you want to play country, but your in a punk rock band?" Also, great use of second verse, same as the first.
"Revenge" rocks. Period. Feedback, screaming, big drums. All the stuff that makes rock great. Turn it up to eleven and just enjoy.
The rest of the album is comprised of the "The Baseball Park Sessions", which is interesting if not as good as the rest. It's interesting because it kind of leads you into the Stranger's Almanac era. The songs are a little tighter and the sound is a little more fine tuned.
"Empty Baseball Park" is an interesting tune. You can definitely tell these are written in a different time frame.
I've kind of always thought that "Here's to the Rest of the World" was Ryan Adams doing a Paul Westerberg impression. He does it alright, but I'd rather hear the real thing.
"16 Days" is a another classic that was on Stranger's Almanac. I have to say I like the earlier version a little better, but they are pretty much the same, just a little less "popped" up on this one.
This leads us into another rocker in "Yesterday's News". This one is also on Strangers. Great stuff. Two chords rocking and then a big loud chorus. What else could you ask for.
The album closes with the classic rock n' roll move of ending on a solo acoustic ballad "Factory Girl". Great song. Great closer. That move never gets old.
So, there's the rundown of an album that changed my life. I don't know if there has ever been better sloppy dirty guitars recorded than the ones on "Drank Like a River". I don't know if anyone has ever really put this many great country songs on a rock record. I do know that I buy every Ryan Adams' album in hopes that it could hold a candle to this one. He's never come close to it, but to be fair, not many people have.
Now, if you'll excuse me I gotta go cry in my beer.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's like they make candy for my ears.
So, last week I got a new forever favorite band in the world. They're called the Cold War Kids and they are the coolest.
I guess they aren't really new. I bought there first album, Robbers and Cowards, last year and really dug it. It took a while to grow on me, but on the train down to New Orleans I put the album on and it just hit me. Wow, these guys are great. Great drums. Great choppy guitars. And that voice!!! Damn.
The thing that gets me about the Cold War Kids is that they just seem to be putting it all out there. I get the impression that they are physically spent after I listen. There is nothing left in them. It's like they reach a complete emotional climax on every track. I don't know how the hell they do it, but I love it.
That's the greatest thing about music. It's ability to convey emotions that words cannot. Somehow those simple guitar parts, pounding drums and open arrangements get more emotion across in three minutes than books that are three hundred pages. Doing that is a gift and these guys got the gift.
A couple of weeks ago they came out with their new album Loyalty to Loyalty. As with all sophomore efforts, I was prepared for disappointment. Well, these guys did not disappoint. I have had this thing stuck in my cd player for two straight weeks. They stick with the same formula and come out with 13 great new songs.
The big news is that these guys are coming to Nashville (Boooooo!!!) on October 21st, and I will be making a rare midweek Nashville appearance fo' sure.
So, do yourself a favor, go buy some Cold War Kids and go to the show in Nashville. You won't regret it.
I guess they aren't really new. I bought there first album, Robbers and Cowards, last year and really dug it. It took a while to grow on me, but on the train down to New Orleans I put the album on and it just hit me. Wow, these guys are great. Great drums. Great choppy guitars. And that voice!!! Damn.
The thing that gets me about the Cold War Kids is that they just seem to be putting it all out there. I get the impression that they are physically spent after I listen. There is nothing left in them. It's like they reach a complete emotional climax on every track. I don't know how the hell they do it, but I love it.
That's the greatest thing about music. It's ability to convey emotions that words cannot. Somehow those simple guitar parts, pounding drums and open arrangements get more emotion across in three minutes than books that are three hundred pages. Doing that is a gift and these guys got the gift.
A couple of weeks ago they came out with their new album Loyalty to Loyalty. As with all sophomore efforts, I was prepared for disappointment. Well, these guys did not disappoint. I have had this thing stuck in my cd player for two straight weeks. They stick with the same formula and come out with 13 great new songs.
The big news is that these guys are coming to Nashville (Boooooo!!!) on October 21st, and I will be making a rare midweek Nashville appearance fo' sure.
So, do yourself a favor, go buy some Cold War Kids and go to the show in Nashville. You won't regret it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What? Next your going to tell me that there is no Santa Claus.
I can't believe this. It's probably the most shocking news I've heard in my life. I hate to be the one to tell you, ladies, but it's right here on my yahoo this morning staring me in the face. It appears, and I have to assume this is as shocking to everyone else as it is to me, it seems that one of the greatest voices in the history of pop is... I really don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out and say it... Clay Aiken is gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How could this be? No one could have predicted this, and I don't mean that in a no one could have predicted 9/11 type of way. I mean no one could have predicted this.
The guy seemed so straight. If he's gay, I don't know what to think. My gaydar must be totally off. Next your going to tell me that many member of the Republican party like to have sex in male bathrooms. I suppose after that you'll tell me that Anderson Cooper has been known to hit for the other team. I'm sorry, but I am not willing to believe the gays have this much poser. There is no way this is true.
Maybe one of those gay activist got a hold of him. You know the type. They are always out there, stuffing their lifestyle down my throat. What with their parades and their dance music. Well, look what you done now, gay activist, you've turned a guy who was totally into the ladies into a homo. I hope you are proud of yourself. How do you sleep at night?
Well, actually I imagine you sleep quite well. I mean with promoting your agenda all day, then the dancing at the club, and then gay sex all night. Actually, better question... How do you find time to sleep at night with all these activities? And a follow up, how do you keep looking so good and stylish with so little sleep? Do you take vitamins? Do you use moisturizers? What is your secret? I'd do anything for that figure...
Oh, no look at me. I think I've caught the gay!!!
How could this be? No one could have predicted this, and I don't mean that in a no one could have predicted 9/11 type of way. I mean no one could have predicted this.
The guy seemed so straight. If he's gay, I don't know what to think. My gaydar must be totally off. Next your going to tell me that many member of the Republican party like to have sex in male bathrooms. I suppose after that you'll tell me that Anderson Cooper has been known to hit for the other team. I'm sorry, but I am not willing to believe the gays have this much poser. There is no way this is true.
Maybe one of those gay activist got a hold of him. You know the type. They are always out there, stuffing their lifestyle down my throat. What with their parades and their dance music. Well, look what you done now, gay activist, you've turned a guy who was totally into the ladies into a homo. I hope you are proud of yourself. How do you sleep at night?
Well, actually I imagine you sleep quite well. I mean with promoting your agenda all day, then the dancing at the club, and then gay sex all night. Actually, better question... How do you find time to sleep at night with all these activities? And a follow up, how do you keep looking so good and stylish with so little sleep? Do you take vitamins? Do you use moisturizers? What is your secret? I'd do anything for that figure...
Oh, no look at me. I think I've caught the gay!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dear God, I hate rock n' roll.
So, I've decided to bring the old What the Hell Happened to Aerosmith back. This time we're going with something a little more bloggy. I still have the idea for the book, but my interns would never do the research I assigned them and I have since started a rock band of my own, so I have little time for the work currently. That being said, I have a lot to say about the rock and pop culture in general. As that stuff doesn't really fit in on the Evilblog, I'm going to all over here. So, away we go...
Last Friday Clay and I hit the road and went down to Oxford to see the Hold Steady. Now, I love the Hold Steady. I think Boys and Girls in America is quite possibly the best album of the past decade. Seriously, I just freakin' love everything about it. It rocks. It's got great stories. Big hooks. It's cohesive. It's got it all.
So, it was with much anticipation that I bought Stay Positive. I was so excited that I bought it in the itunes pre-release rather than wait for the album. (Which I hate to do. I like buying cds. I really do. I'm old fashioned.) I got it figuring that there was no way that it could be as good as Boys and Girls, but it would be enough to make me happy. Well, I was wrong... and right.
The album rocks!!! I play it constantly. I could play "Constructive Summer" until this summer ends and it would never get old. But, there is something missing. I don't know what it is. I think it's a certain cohesiveness that is on Boys and Girls which isn't on this one. That being said, I love it. So, we bought tickets and hit the road.
On the way down I thought about the last time I saw the Steady. It was at the Hi Tone and it was just before word had gotten out about the Steady. It was a great show and all, but it was just too damn quiet. Well, apparently the Hold Steady became really damn cool while they were away because the bar was packed.
Now, I used to love that. I used to think it was great to be at a rock show with a shit ton of people. When did that stop? I don't know, but it definitely has. I'll still do it. I'd do it for the Hold Steady tomorrow, but the drunk assholes at the rock show really bother me... and the drunk assholes at the Hold Steady show aren't even bad.
Anyway, apparently I'm too old for the rock.
Shoot me.
Last Friday Clay and I hit the road and went down to Oxford to see the Hold Steady. Now, I love the Hold Steady. I think Boys and Girls in America is quite possibly the best album of the past decade. Seriously, I just freakin' love everything about it. It rocks. It's got great stories. Big hooks. It's cohesive. It's got it all.
So, it was with much anticipation that I bought Stay Positive. I was so excited that I bought it in the itunes pre-release rather than wait for the album. (Which I hate to do. I like buying cds. I really do. I'm old fashioned.) I got it figuring that there was no way that it could be as good as Boys and Girls, but it would be enough to make me happy. Well, I was wrong... and right.
The album rocks!!! I play it constantly. I could play "Constructive Summer" until this summer ends and it would never get old. But, there is something missing. I don't know what it is. I think it's a certain cohesiveness that is on Boys and Girls which isn't on this one. That being said, I love it. So, we bought tickets and hit the road.
On the way down I thought about the last time I saw the Steady. It was at the Hi Tone and it was just before word had gotten out about the Steady. It was a great show and all, but it was just too damn quiet. Well, apparently the Hold Steady became really damn cool while they were away because the bar was packed.
Now, I used to love that. I used to think it was great to be at a rock show with a shit ton of people. When did that stop? I don't know, but it definitely has. I'll still do it. I'd do it for the Hold Steady tomorrow, but the drunk assholes at the rock show really bother me... and the drunk assholes at the Hold Steady show aren't even bad.
Anyway, apparently I'm too old for the rock.
Shoot me.
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